Beyond a tunnel vision 2.0 - 27/11/2020 - INVITATION
In 2018 ABTUS-BVOTS was one of the founding fathers of this congress. This year, too, we give our full support to this event. In view of the current evolution regarding COVID-19, it was decided to opt for a full digital version this year. We therefore call on all our members to save the date (27th November 2020) to take part in this event.
Beyond a tunnel vision is an international conference on tunnel renovation, focused on the joint challenges in the infrastructure network of Europe. How can tunnels be renovated in a clever way? To which extend can they be updated with minor impact on traffic? How can renovation be used to diminish energy consumption and environmental impact of a tunnel? In what way can digitalization processes contribute to an efficient renovation? These questions will be addressed in plenary sessions and interactive workshops.
With the support and cooperation of nine countries the Dutch centre for underground construction, the COB, has composed a position paper on tunnels in Europe. This paper addresses the challenges that lay ahead and the need for an European tunnel programme. The Beyond a tunnel vision conference is an important stepping stone towards this programme.
The conference will be fully digital! The plenary and parallel sessions are broadcasted live online from several European countries. You can now sign up as participant … for free.
More information you can find on