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15th June - Seminar The Fehmarnbelt link - INVITATION


HET INGENIEURSHUIS, Desguinlei 214, 2018 Antwerpen.


The Fehmarnbelt link is one of Europe’s most extensive construction projects to date. The 18 km Fehmarnbelt tunnel will connect Rødbyhavn on Lolland in Denmark with the island of Fehmarn in Germany. In addition to the immersed tunnel Femern A/S is responsible for, the Fehmarnbelt link comprises landworks on the Danish and German sides. The railway - on both sides of the Fehmarnbelt - is being upgraded to two electrified tracks that can handle speeds of up to 200 km/hr. When the tunnel is completed, the train journey from Hamburg to Copenhagen will take well under three hours.

The tunnel will be user-financed – the same model that was used for the Storebælt and Øresund fixedlinks. The Fehmarnbelt tunnel’s payback period is 28 years. The tunnel project funds the investments for upgrading the railway between Ringsted and Rødby.

Given the huge infrastructure works associated with this megaproject, a number of Belgian companies have also taken the opportunity to participate. In this webinar, they share their experiences of working in the project, in a different culture and with different rules of the game.

Target audience – Number of participants

We warmly invite all partners from the engineering world to participate in this seminar. Representatives from the construction companies, construction industry, public and private owners, engineering offices, academic sector, consultants, architects and students. The program is also offering opportunities for asking questions and for discussion, thus trying to stimulate numerous reactions and valuable comments or concerns. We want to stimulate an interesting exchange of opinions on our Belgian expertise within the international forum. We hope that each participant leaves the seminar filled with interesting thoughts and inspired for further discussion.

(maximum capacity of the room is 100)

Program (provisional)

  •  14:30 Introduction by Jan Desmyter and Etienne Hemerijckx, resp. president and member ienet expertgroup and by Johan Mignon, president ABTUS-BVOTS

  •  14:40 General presentation The Fehmarnbelt link – the world’s longest immersed tunnel. Overall project presentation (incl. construction of the tunnel elements) by Gerhard Cordes (FEMERN A/S).

  •  15:25 Coffee Break

  •  15:45 Specifical design & construction aspects by JV FLC (Joint Venture Fehmarn Link Contractors)

    • Short presentation of the JV FLC (JV FLC) (speaker to be confirmed)

    • BIM & VDC by Jothijs van Gaalen (JV FLC) - tbc

    • Marine works & immersion techniques by Hans Mortier (JV FLC) - tbc

  •  16:55 Closing debate (speakers in front)

  •  17:20 – 18.20 Closure and Network drink

  •  18:25 End

Practical information

Language presentations. The language is a mix of English (preferable), French and Dutch.

The presenters will be asked to give the presentations 14 days before the seminar. (Deadline Friday 3th of June). The presentations will be sent to Femern A/S for approval. The slides of the presentations (being the proceedings of the seminar) will be made available only to the participants in .pdf form, at the soonest one day before the seminar. Only general information and a summary report (after the event) will be put on the website of ABTUS-BVOTS:

Participation - Bijdrage - Contribution (provisional)

€ 140 (*) membres - leden – members ie-net / ABTUS-BVOTS < 35y or > 65y

€ 180 (*) membres - leden – members ie-net / ABTUS-BVOTS

€ 240 (*) non membres - niet leden – non-members.

(*) En franchise de TVA - Vrij van BTW - Free of VAT (art. 44W.BTW).

Inscription - Inschrijving - Registration

Par mail à - Per Mail aan - By mail to:

+ 32 (0)474 56 46 77

Jusqu’au 14 juin 2022 - Tot 14 juni 2022 - Till 14th of June 2022.

Déclaration obligatoire - Verplichte vermelding - Required mention:

1. Nom - Naam - Name.

2. Prénom - Voornaam - Surname.

3. Société - Bedrijf - Company.

4. Adresse - Adres - Adress.

5. Participe à la journée d’étude et verse la somme de € 140/180/240* au compte n° BE10 3100 0039 9204 de l’ABTUS/BVOTS. Neemt deel aan de studiedag en stort € 100/140/200* op rekeningnummer BE10 3100 0039 9204 van ABTUS/BVOTS. Attends the study day and deposits 140/180/240* on account number BE10 3100 0039 9204 of ABTUS/BVOTS.


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