INVITATION - jobsite visit Scheldetunnel (Zeebrugge) - 03.07.2024
The new Scheldetunnel will complete the Antwerp Ring Road and provide a fourth, northern alternative for crossing the Scheldt, in addition to the Kennedy, Waasland and Liefkenshoek tunnels. The construction of this tunnel is being commissioned by Lantis. To allow the works to go as smoothly as possible, COTU THV is building the tunnel elements in Zeebrugge. THV COTU is composed of the Belgian construction groups DEME, BESIX, Stadsbader Contractors and Jan De Nul. The temporary construction dock for the Scheldetunnel is located in the port of Zeebrugge, at the corner of the Boudewijn Canal and the Connection Dock. The contract value is EUR 570 moi.
Eight tunnel elements of approximately 60,000 tonnes each will be available to view. What is unique about this visit (we have been specially waiting for this moment) is that ALL phases of construction are represented. Thus, there are elements that are still in concrete work phase, as well as elements that are already fully ready for floating (incl. head bulkh
eads, ballast tanks, etc.) A truly unique overview of what an immerse tunnel project entails. More project info on this link.
For security reasons, we need to limit the visit to a group of 2x25 people.
Mandatory PPE is of course: helmet, shoes, fluorescent vest, goggles. Please be sure to bring this yourself.
pictures: Lantis
12h30-13h00 Welcome (Koffieweg - 8380 Zeebrugge)
13h00-13h45 Project introduction by COTU (tbc)
13h45-15h00 Jobsite visit
15h30-17h00 Informal (network) drink Zeebrugge Yacht Harbour - “Old Steamer”
Participation - Bijdrage - Contribution
Gratis toegang en voorrang voor leden van de vereniging.
Niet-leden kunnen ons contacteren en zich aanmelden op de wachtlijst.
Entrée gratuite et priorité aux membres de l'association.
Les non-membres peuvent nous contacter et s'inscrire sur la liste d'attente.
Free entry and priority for association members.
Non-members can contact us and join the waiting list.
Inscription - Inschrijving - Registration
Par mail à - Per Mail aan - By mail to: (+ 32 (0)474 56 46 77)
Jusqu’au 30 juni 2024 - Tot 30 juni 2024 - Till 30th of June 2024.
Déclaration obligatoire - Verplichte vermelding - Required mention:
1. Nom - Naam - Name.
2. Prénom - Voornaam - Surname.
3. Société - Bedrijf – Company (and number TVA)
4. Adresse - Adres – Adress (and phone number)
5. E-mail Adresse - Adres – Addres
6. Geboortejaar
Participe à la visite et verse la somme de € 30* au compte n° BE10 3100 0039 9204 de l’ABTUS/BVOTS (applicable uniquement pour les non-membres.).
Neemt deel aan de studiedag en stort € 30* op rekeningnummer BE10 3100 0039 9204 van ABTUS/BVOTS (enkel geldig voor niet-leden).
Attends the study day and deposits € 30* on account number BE10 3100 0039 9204 of ABTUS/BVOTS (valid for non-members only).
(*) En franchise de TVA - Vrij van BTW - Free of VAT (art. 44W.BTW).