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INVITATION - World Tunnel Day - 2nd Tunnel Asset Owners Day - Suppliers Day

World Tunnel Day ABTUS-BVOTS

2nd Tunnel Asset Owners Day – Suppliers Day

1st of December 2023

image courtesy of GTA Group

Registration for participants are open. Please follow the procedure below.

ATTENTION: A registration via the LinkedIn event-page does not count as participation!!!

Following on from our successful 1st Asset Owners Day in 2022, we are organising a 2nd Asset Owners Day this year to mark World Tunnel Day (Feast of St Barbara, patron saint of miners and tunnellers).

This time, we want to focus on innovations and new systems from the industry of suppliers and contractors. We therefore offer them the opportunity to present their topic to us via a paper process. The most interesting topics will then be given a stage where they can present their innovation or research to the general public.

Programme – Programma – Program (draft)

· 12:30 Reception - Welcome

· 13:15 Introduction by ABTUS-BVOTS – Johan Mignon (president)

· 13:20 – 14:15 Session 1 - Plenary session & debate – chair: Bart De Pauw

  • Challenges for Belgian Asset Managers in the coming years: overview current and future challenges

  • Debate with all Asset Managers of road, light-rail and rail infrastructure.

    • Kris Van Boven - AWV

    • Amélie Calléjon - SPW

    • Erwin Joris - De Lijn

    • Didier Van De Velde - Infrabel

    • Peter Verbois - Lantis

    • De Werkvennootschap - Joos Dewulf

  • Explanation by Gust De Block on the ambition to build an exercise tunnel at the PIVO site. This training tunnel (with both a road and train section) would aim to be able to train intervention units (police, special units, fire fighters, etc.), refine procedures and thus take the safety level of our Belgian tunnels to an even higher level.

· 14:15 – 14:45 Coffee break

· 14:45 – 16:45 Session 2: 3 interactive break-out room with 9 topics



Equipment in Tunnel and underground structures – new build & renovation

Zaal Harmonie


  • Photoluminescent Signage in Road and Railway Tunnels Everlux (by Gerson Rodrigues)

  • FAZ II Plus, the powerful anchor for highest demands Fischer (by Frederic Castille)

  • Setting an anchor for the future – Fischer (by Frederic Castille)

Safety in Tunnel and underground structures

Zaal Wilde Zee


  • ​Numerical investigation over the impact of longitudinal velocity on tenability conditions in longitudinally ventilated road tunnels Sweco Belgium (by Matteo Pachera)

  • Refurbishment of axial fans for tunnel ventilation systems – Zitron Nederland (by Fred Van Jaarsveld)

  • Passive fire protection and life safety – Promat & Efectis (by prof. dr. ir.-arch. Emmanuel Annerel)

Digitization - Digital Twin

Zaal Eilandje


  • Assessment of tunnels condition through high efficiency techniques Sites (by Betrand Collin)

  • The use of 3D-geological modelling as tool for project optimization Amberg Engineering (by Patricia Lamas)

  • Digital Twin Infranea

· 16:45 – 16:50 Plenary – Conclusions and next steps

· 16:50 – 18.25 Network drink

· 18:30 End

How to get there – Hoe er geraken – Comment s'y rendre

Slachthuislaan 5b, 2060 Antwerpen (Google Maps)

  • Bike - Fiets - Vélo: Velo - station 226 - Noordschippersdok

  • Bus: Halte Station Dam - lijn 23 Halte Slachthuislaan - lijn 38 Halte IJzerlaan - lijnen 600, 601, 602, 610, 620, 621, 641, 642, 720, 770, 771, 775 en 776

  • Metro - Tramway: Halte Schijnpoort - bovengronds 12, ondergronds 2, 3, 5 en 6 Halte Ijzerlaan - lijn 1 Halte Merksem Bredabaan - lijn 6

Participation - Bijdrage - Contribution

€ 50 (*) membres - leden – members ABTUS-BVOTS.

€ 150 (*) non membres - niet leden – non-members ABTUS-BVOTS.

(*) En franchise de TVA - Vrij van BTW - Free of VAT (art. 44W.BTW).


From 2023, we will start offering the possibility to subscribe to an annual sponsorship package. These annual packages will run from World Tunnel Day to the following year in each case (example: from 01/12/2023 to 30/11/2024).

With these annual packages, we offer companies, engineering companies the opportunity to provide more exposure on all ABTUS-BVOTS events and communications. As we are a non-profit organisation that runs entirely on volunteers, without subsidies and with a low entry fee, we are hoping for the support of the tunnel industry to help sustain our operation:

prime sponsor: 1500€ (until next WTD event, excluding WTD2024)

  • visibility in external communication (e.g. invitations events, website, news items)

  • collective membership worth 350€ included

  • free admission to annual seminar (27/03/2024) & world tunnel day for 3 pers.

  • possibility of placing a stand (table, banner and roll-up) at the annual seminar (27/03/2024) & World Tunnel Day

  • 2 free articles on website & LinkedIn page (reach > 490 followers) about your company or product (to be delivered by you)

main sponsor: 600€ (until next WTD event, excluding WTD2024)

  • free admission to annual study day (27/03/2024) & world tunnel day for 2 pers.

  • possibility of placing a stand (table, banner and roll-up) at the annual seminar & World Tunnel Day

  • visibility on all communication concerning annual seminar & world tunnel day

more information on sponsorship packages or personalised formulas can be discussed with board member Bernard Boeckx - 0470 23 15 94 -

Lieu – Plaats – Location

Slachthuislaan 5b, 2000 Antwerpen (TM ROCO) - google maps

Inscription - Inschrijving - Registration

Par mail à - Per Mail aan - By mail to:

+ 32 (0)474 56 46 77

Jusqu’au 30 novembre 2023 - Tot 30 november 2023 - Till 30th of November 2023.

Déclaration obligatoire - Verplichte vermelding - Required mention:

1. Nom - Naam - Name.

2. Prénom - Voornaam - Surname.

3. Société - Bedrijf - Company.

4. Adresse - Adres - Address.

5. E-mail Adresse - Adres – Addres

6. Participe à la journée d’étude et verse la somme de € 50/150/600*/1500* au compte n° BE10 3100 0039 9204 de l’ABTUS/BVOTS. Neemt deel aan de studiedag en stort € 50/150/600*/1500* op rekeningnum­mer BE10 3100 0039 9204 van ABTUS/BVOTS. Attends the study day and deposits € 50/150/600*/1500* on account number BE10 3100 0039 9204 of ABTUS/BVOTS.

(*) Name participants included in the sponsoring (2 max with e-mail): …………….

Langues - Taal - Language

Engels – Frans – Nederlands

Prime Sponsor

Main Sponsors

Logistical sponsors

pictures by GTA Group


© 1977-2025 ABTUS-BVOTS | Avenue Grandchamp 148 - Grootveldlaan 148 - 1150 Brussels - Belgium |

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