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site visit Hades Underground Research Laboratory 25th April - INVITATION

On April 25th, we invite you to an exclusive look behind (or in the case 225m UNDER) the scenes of HADES. This unique visit will allow us to learn more about the world of nuclear storage and, of course, the specific nature of the underground network. This visit is limited to 34 people for security reasons. First come, first served...

Programme (subject to change):

  • 9h30-12h: presentation HADES + visit lab + site visit (underground)

  • 12h-12h30: extraordinary general meeting ABTUS-BVOTS

  • 12h30: sandwich lunch at Tabloo

The HADES underground research laboratory, located in the Boom Clay at a depth of 225 metres, plays a central role in research into the safety and feasibility of geological disposal of radioactive waste. Experts use it to develop and test industrial technologies for building, operating and closing a waste repository in deep clay. Scientists conduct large-scale experiments under realistic conditions in the deep clay formation over a long period of time to assess the safety of geological disposal in poorly indurated clay.

Renowned worldwide, HADES is the oldest underground laboratory in Europe - this year we celebrate 40 years HADES - built in a deep clay formation for the purpose of researching the possibility of geological disposal in clay. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recognises it as a centre of excellence for waste disposal technologies and scientific training. HADES is a licensed nuclear research facility, which means that scientists can use a wide range of radioactive tracers and sources.

SCK CEN began the construction of the HADES underground research laboratory in 1980. Since 1995 HADES has been operated by the Economic Interest Grouping EIG EURIDICE, a partnership between SCK CEN and the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Materials (ONDRAF/NIRAS). In Belgium, ONDRAF/NIRAS is responsible for radioactive waste management and coordinates the geological disposal RD&D programme.

HADES is and will continue to be purely a research laboratory. It will never be extended for use as a repository for radioactive waste. In any case, the shafts and galleries would be too small and the clay has been disturbed as a result of the many experiments carried out. When construction work gets under way on a real repository, HADES can, however, continue to serve a useful function as a research facility, where specific techniques can be pre-tested or fine-tuned, if necessary.

Participation conditions:

  • FREE for members of ABTUS-BVOTS participating in the site visit only

  • 25€ for members of ABTUS-BVOTS who participate in the site visit + sandwich lunch

  • 75€ for non-members participating only in the site visit

  • 100€ for non-members participating in the site visit + sandwich lunch

Registration for the visit can be done by returning the completed slip below (copy and paste) by mail to the ABTUS-BVOTS secretariat.



The undersigned.....................................................................................................

Firm/Company .........................................................................................................(address for invoicing)

Subscribes to the above visit on 25/04/2023 according to the formula below: (tick what fits)

FORMULE 1 : FREE for members of ABTUS-BVOTS who only attend the site visit

FORMULE 2 : 25€ for members of ABTUS-BVOTS participating in the site visit + sandwich lunch

FORMULE 3 : 75€ for non-members only attending the site visit

FORMULE 4 : 100€ for non-members attending the site visit + sandwich lunch

If you choose formula 2-3-4, your registration is only final after payment of the relevant amount into account number BE10 3100 0039 9204, mentioning SITE VISIT HADES.

Date : ...............2023

Signature : ................................................

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