TTOW visits Belgium (& France) - ACTIVITY REPORT
In early October, TTOW & TTOW-YM (the Dutch tunnel association, national representative within ITA) seized the opportunity, combined with the AFTES congress in Paris, to visit its sister association ABTUS-BVOTS.
Thanks to the support of Erwin Joris (De Lijn) & Guy Vercruyssen (COTU thv - DEME), we were able to offer a brilliant programme including a visit to the building dock of the Scheldetunnel in Zeebrugge and a physical visit IN the Antwerp (pre)metro network. The votes were unanimous: being shown around such projects thanks to two experts, that's more like it.
Of course, we would not be descendants of the Burgundies, they were guided to the right addresses to fortify the inner man.
Besides their visit to Belgium and the AFTES congress, they had also planned a number of site visits in and around Paris through our French sister organisation: 'Grand Paris Express, L16' (bored tunnel), then to the construction of 'EOLE La Defense (Le CNIT)' (metro station), to conclude with 'Grand Paris Express, L17' (bored tunnel).
5 project visits, a congress, a bunch of experiences richer: congratulations for the TTOW initiative and see you next time!