seminar on Underground Storage of Nuclear Waste - ACTIVITY REPORT
Together with 35 tunnel experts, we were welcomed to the beautiful Tabloo visitor centre. Well worth a visit even without a study day. We were presented with a fascinating programme where the specific nature of nuclear waste storage was explained. General mood is that we in Belgium are very meticulous and have a complete plan ready for sustainable storage of the waste already produced and future waste (after closure of the nuclear power plants). Both plans (above ground for low radioactive - above ground for high radioactive) are in their final stages and will soon be presented to the market. Both these projects will provide work in civil engineering in Belgium for decades to come. Years of research history in both underground construction and the responsible handling of nuclear waste ensure that Belgium can certainly be regarded as a leader in Europe.
As an intermezzo, the winners of our scientific prize were honoured. Both laureates briefly explained their doctoral work and received the prize (€ 1 250).
We would once again like to thank our study day partner Wayss & Freytag and the speakers from ONDRAF/NIRAS, TRACTEBEL ENGIE, BGE Technology GmbH, ESV EURIDICE GIE for their support and cooperation.
Do not forget to mark 25/04 in your agenda. Then we will have the opportunity to descend > 200m deep into the Boom clay to visit the HADES research centre: more info here.